The event "DIGIMON CON 2024," is a special event created for Digimon fans worldwide. As part of the event, two Digital Monster X products featuring designs by Digimon character designer As'Maria will be released.
The lineup includes "Ver. WarGreymon (X-Antibody)" and "Ver. MetalGarurumon (X-Antibody)".
The main bodies of the products utilize UV printing technology to print As'Maria 's original designs all over, creating a striking appearance. This makes them unique and artistic commemorative items.
Additionally, the LCD screens of the products also feature the "DIGIMON COM" logo. Whether as collectibles or display pieces, they provide endless fun and memories.
[Please note] Estimated earliest delivery date for this product: 31 August, 2024.
I understand that the earliest delivery date is only an estimate, and the actual shipping date may be earlier or delayed.
I declare that I understand that this is pre-order product and the delivery date is subject tot change at any time based on the supply chain condition.
- Main body × 1
- CR2032 battery × 1
- Instruction × 1
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