Belkin Braided USB-C to USB-C Cable (2m / 2 packs)
Product Specification
Packaging List
Warranty Period (in months)
地 址:新界青衣長輝路八號橋滙十五樓C室 (請使用L14及L15客運升降機,並需於大堂做登記,可直達客服中心) 電 話:(852) 3944-2347 WhatsApp : (852) 5594-1080 辦公時間:星期一至五 10:00AM~7:00PM 星期六、日及公眾假期休息 服務範圍:提供交收及即時測試服務
These Removal Service Terms and Conditions only apply when you purchase regulated electrical appliances in Hong Kong, to be delivered to an address in Hong Kong, under the Producer Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603).